& it all keeps flowing

So grateful for the friendship of the woods. The lushness of the forest, & the smell of Cedars. Every time I have started to sink into the mud, felt lonely, or alone, She sends me hearts in the form of rocks, & clouds, & moss. Deers who like the clovers in front of the house best, even though they have a whole forest to choose from. Dragonflies & real life faeries disguised as multicolored beetles everywhere I look.


“In mythos & fairy tales, deities & other great spirits test the hearts of humans by showing up in various forms that disguise their divinity. They show up in robes, rags, silver sashes, or with muddy feet. They show up with skin dark as old wood, or in scales made of rose petal, as a frail child, as a lime-yellow old woman. As a man who can not speak, or as an animal who can. The great powers are testing to see if humans have yet learned the recognize the greatness of soul in all it’s varying forms.”

- Clarrissa Pinkola Estés


nature will take it back